Five Blessings of becoming a Mother

Five Blessings of becoming a Mother

Happy Mother’s Day! Eight months ago, I gave birth to my beautiful daughter, Lizzy. She is the pride and joy of my life. I am truly blessed. She is everything to me. I would like to share five blessings of becoming a mother.

New Perspective on Life

Becoming a mother

One blessing of becoming a mother is the new perspective on life. My daughter helps me determine what is truly important. I love spending quality time with my daughter, and I look forward to the many memories we will share.

Mother-Daughter Bond

Mother and Daughter

I cannot imagine what my life would be like right now if I had not become a mother. These last eight months, Lizzy and I have developed such a deep bond. The love I have for her is so intense. I would do anything for my daughter. This love my husband and I have for our daughter is shown though her happy spirit.

Stronger Relationship with My Own Mother

Three Generations

Besides my rebellious years in high school, I have a close relationship with my mother. Since the birth of my daughter, I have developed a stronger relationship with my mother and a deeper appreciation for her. We are still miles apart, but I can truly say, we are the closest we ever have been. Thanks to modern technology and a good old fashion phone call, it is easy to foster a great relationship with your mother.

Strive to Become Better

Mother and Daughter Hiking

The birth of my daughter has allowed me to evaluate my life and strive to become better. I eat healthier and am becoming more physically fit. I am also stretching myself as a person and learning new things. As a mother, you are your daughter’s main role model. I hope to become a wife and mother my daughter looks up to and in turn wants to become.

Community of Women

Motherhood opens the door into a beautiful, welcoming community of women. It is amazing the support, advice, and encouragement that is easily given between mothers. I know that I can go to any of my friends or coworkers who are mothers and ask for guidance free of judgement.

Happy Mother’s Day!

View Lizzy’s birth story here.

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